
Address and registered office (Headquarters Switzerland)

Vanillaplan AG

Leonhardsgraben 52

CH-4051 Basel

+41 61 263 2333

Authorised representatives

Remigius Stalder

Commercial register entry

Registered company name: Vanillaplan AG

Legal form: Public limited company

Commercial register office: Basel

UID: CHE-107.359.721


VAT number

CHE-107.359.721 VAT

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Remigius Stalder

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Remigius Stalder

Development Vanillaplan

Vanillaplan AG

Web design

Vanillaplan AG


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This imprint was created on 18.02.2019 with the imprint generator of the company Brunner Medien AG in Kriens. Brunner Medien AG in Kriens accepts no liability.